Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Happy Turkey Week!!! Two New Videos from Think Tank

Two new videos for you today.  These are Parts 1 & 2 of some campaign commercials you may have missed this election day.  Always remember to vote!

Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Great Night for a Great Cause

Hello family, friends, lovers, and liars.  We're taking a week off from releasing videos, but that doesn't mean we're not busy.  Last night we entered (as yet unreleased) Ramblin' Travels with Mindy Tindle, Part 4: Mindy Flies, in the Indie Incubator Film Festival.  It was a great night and Mindy took home the hardware for "Biggest Surprise Ending."

Tonight, Wednesday, November 18th, we are headlining The Taste of Art at Stage 773.  This is a great event and all the proceeds go to Between Friends, a Chicago anti-domestic violence agency.  Check out the flyer for more info and to see the incredible cast, curated by our very own Paul Robinson.

Come out tonight if you can, hit us up for discounted tickets!  In the meantime, watch our latest video, The Doors Tribute Band Online University.  We're almost to 1,000 views, let's do it today, people!

Wednesday, November 9, 2011

The Doors Tribute Band Online Learning Annex

Here's another clip from Misguided TV, fresh off the grill. This one is written by and starring our good friend Chad Briggs. Mr. Briggs was also the featured guest at Pistol Party last night and boy what a good, clean, honest time that was. Thanks to all who were able to come out and enjoy the night with us. Now go jump start your career as a Doors tribute band at the Doors Tribute Band Online Learning Annex!

Sunday, November 6, 2011

Pistol Party is Tonight!! Here's a Little More About Our Host, Chad Briggs

Hey guys, we're getting really excited about the triumphant return of Pistol Party next week (Tuesday, November 8th, at Underground Lounge 8pm) and wanted to tell you a little more about our guest host, Chad Briggs.  We have been collaborating with Chad over the last month for videos and live bits that we will be unveiling on the 8th.  Here's a teaser for one video we're unveiling at the show:

Chad has been performing comedy Chicago for years, and has built up such accolades as Chicago Underground Comedy cast member, Andy Kaufman award finalist, and a regular at the Lincoln Lodge.  He is also a previous winner of the comedy talent competition, "Impress These Apes."  And now he can add "Hosted Pistol Party" to his resumé.  He regularly cracks us up on twitter <@mrchadbriggs>.  Here are a few of our recent favorites (as he sometimes refers to them, briggsy-twits):

Please leave Herman Cain alone. He's way too funny. We need to laugh and I don't think that Sandler in a dress picture's gonna cut it.
11/1/11 9:26 AM

I think the CTA should replace "If you see something, say something" campaign with "please wash your ass before boarding."
10/31/11 6:46 PM

Powdered eggs scooped out of a chafing dish and the phrase "Good morning" creep me out. Independently and together.
10/28/11 11:10 AM

And here's another great clip of Chad's stand up at ChUC:

He also performs regularly as Safety Specialist, D.K. Ediger, which is one of our favorites.  D.K. has appeared multiple times at Pistol Party.  Here's a PSA from D.K.:

See you November 8th.  Stay tuned this week for Funeral parts 2 & 3.

Pistol Party Housewarming Show with host Chad Briggs!!!
November 8th, 8pm at the Underground Lounge
952 W. Newport (intersection of Clark/Sheffield/Newport)
Just $5.

Thursday, November 3, 2011

Funeral-All Three Parts, Including the Dramatic Conclusion!

We have posted parts 1 & 2 of our scene, Funeral, this week, and we are now proud to unveil it's dramatic conclusion.  Check out all 3 in order below!  Happy Friday, people!


Have a Pretty Good Weekend, we'll see you next Tuesday at Pistol Party, where we'll be debuting more videos and live scenes:

Pistol Party Housewarming Show
Tuesday, November 8th (Election Day) 8pm
Underground Lounge
952 W. Newport, Chicago USA

Happy National Sandwich Day Everyone!!! Cappy's 2nd Favorite Holiday!

Hey Everybody,

This is Kevin. I really like sandwiches, but you probably know that already. The rest of the Tank likes them too, but not as much as I do. I was just searching the worldwideweb for images of sandwiches. Here are some of my favorites.






Crack sandwich

Feel free to find some favorites of your own and post them for us (me). There are some offensive sandwich images out there though, so be careful!  See you next Tuesday, the 8th (Election Day) at Pistol Party!  It's at the Underground Lounge this time at 8pm and there will be no election/erection puns.

Wednesday, November 2, 2011

As promised... Part two!

 Check back Friday for the dramatic, thrilling, captivating, surprising, heartwarming(?) conclusion!