Think Tank Comedy is a sketch comedy from Chicago, IL featuring Brent Bridwell, Kevin Carroll, Paul Robinson, and Peter Stepnoski.  They have been writing and performing shows, and producing videos for  over 5 years.  Their comedy has been called "some of the most bizarre, prop heavy comedy around," (Chicago Reader), and their monthly showcase, Pistol Party with John Leadley and Drew Frees was described as "a non-stop comedy assault on the senses, complete with costumery, wigs, props, strobe lights, fog, bubbles, and anything else the Party can get their hands on to seduce the audience visually" (The Apiary).

Think Tank is currently hard at work on their television pilot series, Misguided TV.  You can find video clips at (or just click HERE to open it in a new window).  Follow us on twitter <@thinktankcomedy>, and find us on Facebook HERE.

Above all, keep it silly.

1 comment:

  1. Seeking non-union improvisational actors to be featured in high-profile ensemble cast, a la "SNL." The cast will portray a variety of characters and test the morals of unsuspecting subjects. Actors will be required to create awkward and compromising situations and MUST be comfortable with delving into politically incorrect material, driving the scene to that unsettling place. Actors need to be quick-witted and willing and able to “push the limits” of the subject to get the desired reaction.

    make sure you email castingimprov@gmail.com Subject: Chicago
