It's a new year and a great time for Think Tank Comedy!! We just wrapped up an amazing 2012 Chicago Sketchfest with a headlining show on the last Saturday of the festival (stay tuned for some clips from that in the very near future) and now we're turning our attention to bigger and better things in 2012. We are currently hard at work on our submission for the New York TV Festival Comedy Central Pilot Contest which is due next week. This is a 15 minute submission, which means we are one step closer to finishing Episode 1 of Misguided TV.
Another great bit of news, the Onion's AV Club named Think Tank one of the best local alternatives for the hit alternative comedy show, Portlandia (that's more alternative than Eddie Vedder playing hacky sack outside of a flannel shop in Seattle). They were nice enough to compare us to some of our favorite shows, Mr. Show and Tim and Eric Awesome Show, Great Job!, saying "Portlandia fans in search of some Chicago-based absurdity would do well to start here." Check out the article HERE, which also features our sisters in comedy, the fabulous Puterbaugh Sisterz, ! In other press news, Chicago music writing demigod, Jim Derogatis, (who also wrote the biography on our heroes, The Flaming Lips) really liked our Doors Online University Video, calling Peter a "video genius" on his website.
Speaking of the Puterbaugh Sisterz, they will be hosting our next Pistol Party on Tuesday, February 14th. That's right, Valentine's Day! (How fitting, considering that they are the love of our comedic lives). Show starts at 8 at the Underground Lounge 952 W. Newport. As always only $5!
In the meantime, check out our YouTube page for weekly new videos (have you seen Bum Fiddler, Let's Trade Beards, or Will Miles is So Cool? Because they are all there!). Just in case you don't believe us, here's the opus, Bum Fiddler:
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